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Anem a la universitat: Catalan and Spanish at the University

Anem a la universitat: Catalan and Spanish at the University

“Anem a la universitat”! It is time to learn some Spanish and, why not, some Catalan. Are you ready to take notes? Our Spanish and Catalan lessons are back (so exciting!). Today we will provide you some phrases to use at the university (we know you guessed it already!) and some words translated both in Spanish and Catalan.

How is your semester going? You have surely found your room and we hope you feel at home in your shared flat. What about the language? Do you already manage Spanish and Catalan? Do you speak Catalan with your flatmates? At the university? We are so curious, but there is a very good reason behind it. In order to provide you every month useful and interesting linguistic tips, we need to make surveys!

How hard learning a new language! helpBarcelona knows it and, in order to ease it, has created this column. Exceptions, false friends, peculiar pronunciations… Do not worry! We are here to provide you some basics. As you may have already noticed, the articles of this column have this aim: to ease your life in Spain and specifically in Barcelona. Therefore, we have tried to make a translation of the main words in Catalan, too. As always, we have to cut the chatter, but later we will spend some more time together… Let’s begin with our phrases.

Imagine an ordinary first day at the university…

Como se llama el profesor?_ What is the professor name?

Cuando tenemos la clase?_ At what time do we have the lesson?

Donde esta la clase?_ Where is the classroom?

Que tenemos que preparar nosotros para la semana que viene?_ What do we have to prepare for next week?

Puedes decirme donde esta la biblioteca?_ Can you tell me where the library is?

Me gustaria pedir un libro prestado_ I would like to borrow a book.

Tu has pasado el examen?_ Have you passed your exam?

Vas a comer en la cafeteria/cantina?_ Will you have lunch in the canteen?


And now, it is time for our lexicon in Spanish, English and Catalan:

La asignatura_ Subject – Assignatura

El plazo_ Deadline - Termini

El horario_ Schedule – Horari

Los apuntes_ Class notes - Apunts

La beca_ Scholarship – Beca

El informe escrito_ Paper – Informe escrit

El examen_ Exam - Examen

La nota_ Note/Grade - Nota

Aprobar_ To pass – Aprovar

Reprobar_ To fail or to reprove - Reprovar

Faltar a clase_ To skip a class – Faltar a classe

Suspender_ To fail or to suspend - Suspendre

El curso académico_ Academic grade – Curs Acadèmic

El bachillerato_ High school diploma – Batxillerat

La licenciatura_ Degree - LLicenciatura

La maestría­­_ Master - Mestratge

Graduarse_ To graduate - Graduar


You will certainly need many others words and phrases, but a long list is hard to remember. By providing you only these few elements, we are sure you will remember and use them all. How to practice your Catalan? Use flashcards, many post-it, try to use the expressions as much as possible, etc. helpBarcelona has already created for you a list of tips to learn easily a foreign language. Have you missed the article? Do not worry… here the link!

As every week, here the suggestion of the day (we cannot do without it…). When you look for your accommodation in Barcelona or in any other city, you should always consider shared flats. They are not only cheaper, but they will help you practicing your Catalan. By living with international people, you will have to choose a lingua franca, so… Why not Catalan? Your home away from home will turn into your private language school. And you won’t have to leave your flat (it is important during Winter time ahahah).

Are you ready? Have you prepared your flash cards? Because soon we will make another list with many words and phrases about… This is a surprise ;) We cannot spoiler you anything about our next lesson.

See you soon with another class of Catalan and do not miss the other articles of helpBarcelona. Stay tuned!
